Cosmetic Bonding

What is Bonding?

Bonding is the application of a tooth-colored composite resin to repair a decayed, chipped, fractured or discolored tooth. Unlike veneers, which are manufactured in a laboratory and require a customized mold to achieve a proper fit, bonding can be done in a single visit. The procedure is called bonding because the material bonds to the tooth. The material is strong and colored to exactly match your existing teeth. It usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour to complete the procedure. If you’re having more than one tooth done, you may need to schedule several visits. Tea, coffee, cigarette smoke, and other substances can stain the resin. To prevent or minimize stains, it’s essential to avoid eating or drinking foods that can stain for the first 48 hours after any composite procedure

What is it Used for?

Bonding is among the easiest and least expensive of cosmetic dental procedures. The composite resin used in bonding can be shaped and polished to match the surrounding teeth. Most often, bonding is used for cosmetic purposes to improve the appearance of a discolored or chipped tooth. It also can be used to close spaces between teeth, to make teeth look longer or to change the shape or color of teeth. Sometimes, bonding also is used as a cosmetic alternative to amalgam fillings, or to protect a portion of the tooth’s root that has been exposed when gums recede.

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Our team at Glauser Family Dentistry is continually taking every possible measure to ensure the safety of our patients, staff, and dentists. You can schedule an appointment with us with the comfort and knowledge that we are taking every precaution to make patient safety our top priority. Maintaining the health of your teeth and gums is a vital part of oral hygiene. The American Dental Association (ADA) has shown that dental care is safe in these times of a pandemic.”